Grade 12 IT PAT IEB – Everything – Overview
Your IEB IT PAT for grade 12 is made up of four phases.
Phase One and Two are the data modelling phases. Phase Three is the coding and Phase Four the testing.
Phase One – The project specifications. What your application does. A list of features.
Phase Two – The Design Document. How it does what it does. The primary storage, The secondary storage, The GUI’s and how they work together.
Phase Three – Technical Document. The code itself with comments, using OOP programming principals.
Phase Four – The Testing Document. How well does your application work? What does it do well? Where can improvements be made?
Click on the links below for more detail . . .
PAT Phase One – Choosing your topic and starting your documentation
PAT 2A – The flowchart. What happens, when. Overview of how each GUI links to every other GUI, making an application.
PAT 2B – The technical design of your PAT. A normalized database with its tables, fields, and data types. Your classes, with their fields, data types, and methods. The methods you intend to code in your manager class.
PAT 3A – Code only. A three or four-class program that reads in data from one or more text files. A UI class, a manager class and one or more template classes from which to instantiate child objects. No GUIs.
PAT 3B – The creation of the GUIs. The buttons on the GUIs call the methods in the manager class.
PAT 3C – Linking to a database. The text files of 3A are replaced with a normalized SQL database.
PAT 4 – The testing.
The documentation – Your documentation is worth 50% of your final mark and should be in excess of 20 pages (without the code)
Your documentation in Ms Word. Word can really mess up the code that you typed into NetBeans. Here is a solution