Gr 11 OOP and String
Here is a PowerPoint showing the following. Using String handling with OOP - a UI class for the interface and a manager class for the methods. Organizing your One Drive account with your coding projects using NetBeans.Passing a string parameter from one method to...
Gr 11 – Write to text file
A Java program to write to a text file using PrintWriter (not FileWriter). This program reads in a text file using Scanner - a date and a boolean flag. It adds 45 days to the date and compliments the flag (true to false and false to true) It then writes the new data...
The split method
Reading in a text file into an array of objects using the split( ) method in Java. (There are other ways of doing this for example using useDelimiter( ) with next( ) ) Here is the text file using "#" as the delimiter. Note that there are no extra spaces or strange...
Java NetBeans 17
Java version 17 (JDK 17) is a LTS (Long Term Support version of Java). We use this version together with Apache NetBeans version 17. It is a good idea to uninstall any previous versions of Java and NetBeans using Windowns Control Panel, Uninstall software. Click here...
Gr 11 – Date time methods
Java - LocalDate, LocalTime, LocalDateTime These date time classes have a number of methods. Here is the list . . . Cautionary: Some of these methods are static, some are non-static, some need parameters, some are void, some are typed. See code examples for more...
Gr 11 – Past papers 2022
Here is a list of IT exams, both IT theory and practical Java coding for grade 11 - both the question paper and the memo. Note: Some questions are quite experimental in nature. If a question does not suit your needs merely move onto the next question. There are also...
Gr 11, 12 – SQL tips
SQL TIPS for exams. STUDY the database first (at least 5 full minutes). Study both the data and the fields. Know how many records are in each table so that you can recognize any potential errors in the returned dataset. The better you understand the database, the...
Gr 12 – Netbeans projects packages classes
Being able to move your work from one computer to another, from one school to another, and being able to work on your Java projects from any terminal that has internet access . . . Understanding how Networks works with One Drive, projects, packages, classes, the dist...
Gr – 11/12 GUI images problem
Many learners have the problem of missing images from their Java JFrameForms when they move their PAT projects from one computer to another. The reason for this is that the path to the image has been hard coded (see examples below) In lines 81, 82 and 91 the image...
Gr 11 – Date Time
Everything you need to know about time and date contained in 17 Java mini example programs. How to create date-time objects, and how to do date-time calcultions. The text file contains the method analysis tables for each method used. Sorting with the bubble sort...