by Editorial | Oct 30, 2023 | Grade 11 - Exam memos, Grade 11 - OOP, Grade 11 - Theory, PWC grade 11 - All
Here are the July 2023 exam papers with memos. The Java practical paper and the theory paper. Practical – Version without the SQL Exam paper click here Exam memo click here Theory Exam paper click here Exam memo click here ...
by Editorial | Oct 11, 2022 | Grade 11, Grade 11 - GUI, Grade 11 - OOP, Grade 12, Grade 12 - OOP
And the passing of parameters. Here is the same app using GUIs coded in two different ways – the first has no OOP programming while the second does. The first is a one-class program. The second is a two-class program. In your grade 12 PAT project you have to use...
by Editorial | Oct 30, 2021 | Grade 11, Grade 11 - Critical algorithms, Grade 11 - OOP
You must be able to code these algorithms quickly. Click on links for some of the solutions offered as a download. 1) Determine if a number is odd or even. 2) Find the bigger of two values. 3) Swop two values around. 4) Check username and password – allow or...
by Editorial | Aug 26, 2021 | Grade 11, Grade 11 - OOP, Grade 12, Grade 12 - OOP
Class diagrams are a critical part of any OOP exam in both grade 11 and 12. In the practical exam paper, it is part of the question and must be coded (followed) exactly. In the theory paper, you will need to be able to create your own class diagram according to the...
by Editorial | Aug 14, 2021 | Grade 11, Grade 11 - OOP
Java – Three class template. In the grade 11 exam you are expected to write applications with at least three classes i.e. A UI class. Creates the manager class. Calls the methods it needs. May have some input and output. A manager class for all your methods. A...
by Editorial | Jun 13, 2021 | Grade 11, Grade 11 - OOP, Grade 12, Grade 12 - OOP, Grade 12 - Search and Sort
Searching an array in Java Searching for a value in an unsorted array is a standard algorithm that loops from the first element and moves to the last element. These are all two-class programs using an OOP approach where arrays are passed as parameters. Here the...