We are going to create a graphical user interface for this java program that also reads in a text file. The comments will describe what it does and how it works. The process has been broken down into a number of short steps to make downloading easier.

Here is a copy of the java code.        Here is a copy of the text file.

Creating a GUI for our Java code is easily achieved using a drag-and-drop editor in NetBeans called JFrameForm. This is a process and therefore has been broken into a number of parts for download.

Once you have a working PAT 3A/B save it, back it up, make a duplicate copy. That way you can always start again with a fresh copy if necessary.

JFrameForm GUI Part one  – Overview of JFrameForm

JFrameForm GUI Part two  – Overview of the NetBeans interface with reference to JFrameForm

JFrameForm GUI Part three   – Convert the one-class, one-method program to a two-class program with multiple-methods. This will allow our GUI to call individual methods (not possible until now)

JFrameForm GUI Part four   – Labels, text fields, radio buttons, check boxes, button groups and some basic design and formatting. The user can now fill in the form.

JFrameForm GUI Part five – How to get the values off our GUI and into our own code using getText(  ) for Strings and isSelected( ) for radio buttons and checkboxes.
