It is difficult to understand IT Theory if you don’t understand your own Windows computer. What type of processor do you have? Does it hyperthread? How much physical RAM and how much virtual RAM do you have? Are your USB ports 2.0 or 3.0? Does your computer boot using UEFI?
Here are some ways to answer these questions and to join the theory in your textbook to the computer on your desk.
Hit the Windows key on your keyboard and type “sysinfo32”. The System information app comes up. Click on it. Here you will be presented with all the technical details of your own PC. Below is a small view of the options available.
Control Panel
Hit the Windows key on your keyboard and type “Control Panel” and you will be presented with the Control Panel interface. Select “small icons” to view the length and breadth of the control panel landscape. Of particular interest are the “Administrative Tools”, followed by “Computer Management”. Below is a small view of the options available.
Run as Administrator
Sometimes you want to make changes to the setup of your computer and you need to run as an administrator. Hit the Windows key, and type “cmd”. Right-click in the Command Prompt app and select “Run as Administrator.”
The more you explore your own PC, the better you will understand the computer hardware section of the IT syllabus.