by Editorial | Oct 11, 2022 | Grade 11, Grade 11 - GUI, Grade 11 - OOP, Grade 12, Grade 12 - OOP
And the passing of parameters. Here is the same app using GUIs coded in two different ways – the first has no OOP programming while the second does. The first is a one-class program. The second is a two-class program. In your grade 12 PAT project you have to use...
by Editorial | Feb 8, 2022 | Grade 12 - OOP, Grade 12 - text files
Reading in a text file into an array using the Scanner class and using OOP principals eg static variables and methods, creating objects, passing parameters. This program also uses String handling. There are eight versions of this program. The first versions has no OOP...
by Editorial | Mar 7, 2021 | Grade 11, Grade 11 - OOP, Grade 12
This series of programs offer an integrated approach i.e. learning arrays, random numbers, reading from a text file, and Object Orientated Programming (OOP) as single progression from the first example program to the last. The first one is a one-class program with...
by Editorial | Feb 25, 2021 | Grade 11, Grade 11 - OOP, Grade 11 - String and Character Handling
Using methods to manipulate Strings while using OOP principles. Example Input: Steve Eilertsen Output: First Name: STEVE Last Name: EILERTSEN Name and initial: EILERTSEN S This program uses one class and various static methods and variables to manipulate a String....